We offer the full range of Architectural Services
We pride ourselves as being traditionally trained in Architecture.
We serve a large community of clients with a wide range of building types. You may catch us saying that 'we can design anything from a dog house to a skyscraper'.
Below is a range of architectural services that can be provide depending on the nature and scope of the architectural services requested.
Experience in the following Building Occupany Types
- Assembly- Commercial
- Industrial
- Institutional
- Residential
Many jurisdictions now require experience architect's involvement depending on building size, height or types.

Before the commencement of Schematic Design, we can assist clients by providing a range of Pre-Design services such as:
- Feasibility Studies
- Site Analysis Selection
- Building surveys, audits, and measured drawings
- Functional Programs
- Master Plans
- Organizational planning and strategic plans
- Re-zoning
- Organizing and architectural competition
- Arranging for Proposal calls

Schematic Design
With a design brief or functional program in hand, we can provide Schematic Design services. This is the phase of the project where the client's requirements and desires takes architectural form. This stage is where architectural representation of the following are conceptualized:
- Nature and use of the site
- Space planning
- Image or philosophical objectives
- Design approach
This is also when the sub-consultants design team are assembled to start providing technical advice.

Design Development
Once the early concept scheme is selected and approved by the client, we can provide Design Development services. This is where the design can be refined and developed in more detail. This phase usually entails preparing the following:
- Architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical designs
- Outline Specification
- Review with Authorities Having Jurisdiction
- Presentation documentation
- Update of the construction cost estimate
- Update of the schedule for design and time frame for construction

Contract Documents
Once the Client approves the design development documents, we can provide Contract Documents services. Read and interpreted together, drawings and specifications are used to guide the contractor in carrying out the work. These documents generally describe the following characteristics:
- Products, materials, standards, equipment, services, construction systems, construction methods, processes and workmanship
- Physical and environmental conditions
- Construction procurement method
- Location, names and identification of components
- Shapes, forms, sizes and dimensions
- Building assembly types
- Details or diagrams of connections
These documents are used by the Owner, Architect, Contractor as well as sub-contractors, consultants, AHJ, manufacturers/suppliers, financial institutions, tenants, and facilities managers.

Tender and Award
Once the contract documents are complete, we can assist clients in the Tender and Award services. We can help select a variety of contracting methods of project delivery.
- Open competitive bids (public tender)
- Invited competitive bids (invited tender)
- Direct Selection
During this phase, we can also participate in tendering process by providing the following:
- Distribution of bid documents
- Issuance addenda
- Attend job showing and bid closing
- Analysis of bids
- Formalize contract award

Contract Administration
Office Function
Once the contract has been awarded and the General Contractor on board, we can provide Contract Administration Office Functions services. This role is needed to review the general conformance of the work and to protect life safety of the public. It also ensures that the contractor and the owner are fulfilling their respective obligations outlined in a construction contract. Office functions generally include:
- Representing and providing advice to the client
- Coordinating the services of consultants
- Reviewing system performance, shop drawings & samples
- Rendering contractual and technical Interpretations
- Preparing formal CA correspondence such as:
- Response to RFI
- Issuance of SI, PC, CD, CO
- Maintaining a Summary of Changes Log
- Issuing Site Review Reports and Certificate For Payments

Contract Administration
Site Functions
Done concurrently and in coordination with office functions, we can provide Contract Administration Site Functions services. This includes general site presence to observe and review the progress of the work. These are typically coordinated with periodic site visits in appropriate intervals during various stage of construction. Site functions includes:
- Attending construction meetings
- Walkabout with client and contractor
- Conduct site reviews
- Perform mock-up reviews
Large, complex or fast-track project may also request continuous on-site representation (AKA clerk of the works) as an additional service.

Take Over & Close Out
As the construction project nears completion or after the building is complete, we can provide Take-Over Procedures services. This includes some office and site functions to:
- Review contractor's final submissions
- Attend city official occupancy inspection
- Review on site deficiencies
- Issue substantial performance
- Certify release of holdback
- Issue final certificate for payment
- Review deficiencies during 1 year warranty period and notify contractor of items to be corrected
- Conduct internal post-occupancy evaluations
Building commissioning can also be provided as an additional service.